• June 12, 2024

    More customization options for your testimonial collection form

    You can now edit the text on the buttons and a few more things on your testimonial collection form. If you want to test whether "Share your feedback" leads to more submissions compared to "Leave a testimonial," you can now do that and plenty more.

  • Aug. 14, 2023

    Add photos to text testimonials

    When adding a text testimonials you can now add a photo. This is especially useful if you sell a visual product!

    This also applies to your collection forms. When people submit text testimonials via your collection form, they can now optionally add a photo.

  • Feb. 22, 2023

    Import posts from LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is becoming increasingly popular on Shoutout so we made it easier to import posts. This is a work in progress, but if you’re getting shoutouts on LinkedIn, it's now much easier to add them to Shoutout.

  • Feb. 16, 2023

    Collect video testimonials

    You can now use Shoutout to collect video testimonials. Try the live demo here.

    The whole testimonial collection form has been upgraded. Other than the addition of video testimonials, they're now way more customizable an easier to use. Give them a try!

  • Feb. 16, 2023

    Import videos from YouTube

    Are people saying nice things about you on YouTube? Great news! You can now easily add YouTube videos to your testimonial walls and sliders.

  • Jan. 24, 2023

    Import from your Twitter bookmarks

    Sometimes people shout you out on Twitter without @mentioning you. Bookmark those Tweets and easily import them to Shoutout.

  • Jan. 22, 2023

    More sorting options

    You can now set up your embeds and walls so that newly added testimonials go to the top, instead of always going to the bottom.

    You can slo "pin" a few testimonials to the top and have newer ones get added underneath. This is my personal preference because it means the stronger, more impactful testimonials are always at the top, followed closely by newer ones, so your wall of love or testimonial slider always looks fresh and relevant.

    You can, of course, still manually drag and drop your testimonials into whatever order you like.

  • Jan. 20, 2023

    Multiple walls and embeds

    You can now create multiple wall of love links and embeds from the testimonials & shoutouts in your workspace.

    Show customer support related testimonials on your pricing page so people know they're getting premium support for the higher price. Show shoutouts from popular Twitter accounts on your home page for the biggest hit of social proof.

    Use different embed styles to match different sections of your site. There are so many ways to use this added flexibility!

  • Jan. 16, 2023

    Less blurry Twitter profile images

    This is a pretty small update, but once you notice blurry images, it's hard to unnotice them. Bore this update, profile images on imported Tweets were a touch too small, so they looked blurry on certain screens.

    We now import larger profile images so they always look crisp.

  • Jan. 16, 2023


    You can now create multiple Shoutout workspaces. This is ideal if you manage multiple projects or sell multiple products.

    You can connect different Twitter accounts to each workspace and soon you'll be able to invite teammates to collaborate.

  • Jan. 9, 2023

    The new Shoutout

    What better way to start a new feed of release notes than with a complete rebuild? Shoutout has been rebuilt from the ground up. Read more about what's new here.